Chapter 3-An Unexpected Proposal
In case you missed Chapter 1, Click Here
Chapter 3
Chelsea took the glass from the customer at Sammi’s table. “I’ll get that right out to you.” She tried to laugh off Hyrum’s proposal like he’d just laid the biggest joke of the century on her.
But the look in his eye said he was dead serious. But why her? All Chelsea did was wait on him, well and flirt a little. If he’d let any of the other servers take care of him, would he have left as big of tips? Probably because he seemed like that kind of guy. Why had he singled her out? She shoved Hyrum’s order under the clip and spun it for the cook to take.
Mr. One-more-cup snapped his fingers. Apparently, Sammie hadn’t gotten to him fast enough. Glad her coworker and best friend had been busy at another table, Chelsea used her irritating customer to avoid discussing something so silly with her. She’d have probably said, “Go for it.” But how would she ever explain, Dani? Chelsea shook her head. He wanted marriage to Chelsea…of all the crazy, ridiculous things.
At the counter, Chelsea picked up the pot of coffee. “Remind me to thank you later,” she said as she passed Sammie taking an order from a family.
Sammie shot her a surprised look, glanced at Mr. One-more-cup and whispered, “Me? For what?”
Chelsea didn’t stay to answer. It was better to talk about her comment after Hyrum left. He hoped he wouldn’t wait for her after they closed.
Mr. One-more-cup splayed his hands out on the table. “What took you so long, babe?”
Chelsea took a deep breath. Count to ten…or ten million. “I’m not your babe. I’m not anyone’s babe.” She hadn’t meant to snap at him. Oh, well, maybe she did.
“I’m reporting you to Olivia.” He raised his hand to snap again.
Chelsea grabbed his fist and squeezed his fingers. “She’s not here tonight.” Her glance turned to Sammie who was helping a couple at the back of the dining area. What would she tell her mom?
Mr. One-cup flung his hand away, bumping the coffee pot out of Chelsea’s hand. It shattered on the floor, sending the hot liquid spilling across her feet.
“You’ve burned me,” he hollered and stood, wiping imaginary something from his shirt with his napkin.
Hyrum stood beside her. “It’s only on your shoes and didn’t even touch your skin.” How had he gotten to them so quickly?
Mr. One-cup flung his napkin onto the table. “I’m going to sue this lousy, roach-infested diner for everything you’ve got.” He stormed out the door, banging the glass against the door frame so hard, it sounded like the glass might shatter, too.
Delia entered the dining area and put her arm around Chelsea’s shoulder. “Are you alright?”
Shaken by Simon’s sudden outburst, the tears burned her eyes, threatening to scorch their way free. What would happen to her job if One-more-cup really did sue the diner. With everything that Olivia and Zeke had gone through to transform the place into the cutest restaurant in Miracle, they couldn’t afford something like this.
Still shaking, Chelsea leaned into Delia for comfort.
“Are you alright?” Hyrum stood beside her. “I’m sure he won’t get away with his threats.”
Chelsea didn’t know about that since Hyrum was the only witness. Hadn’t that lady who got burned by a near boiling cup of coffee won millions of dollars. SweetHart’s wasn’t a huge chain like that. This was the only diner for miles. Simon wouldn’t really do that, would he?
Delia released Chelsea’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go on home. I’m sure the guys can help close up.”
“No, I’m okay.” What Chelsea ought to do was call Olivia and give her a head’s up about the incident. She’d want to know right away. “I just need a little break.
Chelsea had to get away from Hyrum’s attention. Would he make a reliable witness? With the dining area empty, it would be his word against Simon’s.
Slipping away from Delia’s arm, Chelsea all but ran to the office, shut the door, making the barest click of the latch, and slumped into the chair. How much more humiliating could this be? What would Olivia say when she told her what happened? Ever since her boss had given birth to her son, she was more than a little emotional. Having a baby at forty had to be so difficult. Dani was the results of her own mother having a baby after forty. Could Olivia be afraid her little boy might have disabilities?
Trying to control the shaking of her hands, she dialed Olivia’s cell.
“Hey, Chelsea, everything okay?”
Chelsea swallowed the tears trying to break free.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Olivia had this sense to know when something was wrong with one of her employees. “First of all, is everyone okay?” She’d asked the same thing with every phone call since the fire.
“We’re fine.” Except she wasn’t fine.
“Then tell me what’s going on.” Olivia waited.
Had Hyrum’s proposal been enough to rattle Chelsea for her to overreact like she had with Mr. One-more-cup? “I had an incident with a customer, that turned out bad…really bad.”
Olivia was quiet the whole time Chelsea explained what happened. “Maybe you should take a couple days off,” her boss finally replied.
Chelsea couldn’t afford to take any time. She had mounting bills, her sister to care for…
“Just until this blows over.” Olivia filled the silence between them.
“Can I work extra shifts after I can come back?” The knot in Chelsea’s stomach grew tighter, threatening to strangle her insides.
“We’ll talk about it in a couple of days.” By the business tone in Olivia’s voice, Chelsea knew her boss wouldn’t jump to any decisions until after everything had cleared. “Tell Sammie I’ll be down around ten to lock up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Chelsea pressed the end button and laid her head on the desk.
A soft knock came at the door. Probably Delia checking in on her. The door peeked open, and Hyrum stuck his head in. “Are you alright?”
She would be if she didn’t get fired. As it was, there were so few jobs in Miracle for her skills. If only she’d finished college and gotten her accounting degree. The last place she wanted to apply at was the Greasy Spoon, the only burger joint in town. Not wanting to speak with Hyrum, especially after the surprise proposal, Chelsea put on her best smile. “I’ll be fine. He just had me a little rattled.”
“I…” Hyrum hesitated.
Please don’t bring up the marriage offer. “Really, I’m okay.” She wasn’t about to tell him that her job might be on the line.
He came all the way into the office and stood across the desk from her. “Can I give you a lift home?”
“No, I’m okay to drive.” Chelsea pulled a set of keys from her pocket. “And I’m only up the street a ways.”
“You’re sure? It’s really no trouble.” He sounded like a puppy begging for a treat.
Chelsea forced the smile she didn’t feel. “I’ll be fine.” She also didn’t want him to know where she lived. Granted, he was kind and handsome. But then so was that guy she’d gone out with in college. He turned into Russian hands and Roman fingers, and lips that wouldn’t stay away. If campus security hadn’t shown up…Chelsea shuddered.
Hyrum left the office.
If only she’d been as firm with that guy whose name she chose to forget as she’d been with Mr. One-cup.
Chelsea waited for a good fifteen minutes to make sure Hyrum left, or at the very least gone back to his table. She stuck her head out the door. Not seeing him anywhere around, she waited for Delia to seat a group of teens. Presently, she returned to the cash register. “Are you alright?”
Why did everyone keep asking that? Of course, she wasn’t all right. Mr. One-cup had ruined her evening, maybe even her life. “Well, I was okay until Olivia suggested I not work for a couple of days..”
“Take a long hot bath and put some lavender oil in your water.” Delia reached behind the counter and handed her a vial of her favorite concoction. “Oh, and that table you were waiting on…”
“Hyrum Stockton,” Chelsea answered quietly.
“He left you a tip and asked me to give it to you personally.” Delia handed her an envelope.
Hesitantly, Chelsea took it along with her lavender oil and put them in her apron pocket. Was this another bid for her yes answer? Hopefully she’d be back at her job before rent was due and she wouldn’t need a financial reason to say yes. “Thanks, Delia.”
She headed out the door and stopped when she spotted Hyrum pacing the sidewalk in front of the diner.
Okay, now I need the rest of the book to see how this all plays out. Hyrum is persistent and Chelsea is in a quandary… I can tell there is so much more coming in thier story.
Karen Semones
I can’t wait to read the rest of the story. This is great so far.