About Me
HI! Welcome to my world. The crazies in my head know me here.

When I was a little girl, my mother would create these beautiful loop-d-loops on paper. I discovered they were words and words create stories. I loved creating plays with my younger siblings, those turned into stories.
I wrote my first novel as a young married. My beloved husband watched our youngest while I went to the library to write my loops on paper. That novel will never see the light of day, but all writers have to start somewhere, right?
I have 8 amazing children and at the last count 20 grandchildren, who live all over our beautiful country, which means I get to travel a lot.
Living in Linden, Arizona in the cool mountains means I get to experience all four seasons. I became a chicken mama for the first time and have managed to keep six of them alive, and I get fresh eggs on a daily basis. After moving to the high country, I haven’t even tried gardening. Maybe next year. I did almost kill two strawberry plants, and somehow managed to revive them, only to have the deer strip all the leaves off of one them.
In my free time, I love taking walks in the gorgeous pines and binge-watching old Star Trek: Voyager reruns.
I love writing across multiple genres and will soon be creating pen names for my multiple personalities.