Why I write
When I was in high school, I took a creative write class. My teacher loved everything I wrote and told me that one day I’d be published. She encouraged me to submit my work to literary magazines. I was just too chicken back then. I still have many of those pieces I wrote in her class. I pull them out every once in a while and read through them. Flash forward to 2011 when a story I’d been working on got rejected multiple times. I got angry and frustrated. It was a great story. Everyone who’d read it said it was good. I happened to be at a book signing…
She’s Here!
I am so excited this beautiful, ornery lady finally has her own story! She’s been such a bane in 3 of the 4 books that it’s any wonder anyone would like her! But by the end of the story, you’ll breathe a happy sigh as you understand why she is the way she is! Join me Saturday morning January 29, 2022 on FB for a live book launch. I’ll have lots of fun things for you to do, and a prize or two to give away! Click here to like my author page and get a notification when I go live! From now until Saturday, my book is available for…
My Nifty New Planner
I’ve been working on goals! I know, I know…every year we do this. But how serious are we about them? I get up at 6AM, watch the sunrise, listen to my favorite podcast, and exercise! This year, I got serious about goal setting. I bought this beautiful planner: It has a section so I can plan out the upcoming quarter, so my goals are in bite-size pieces. These are my goals for this quarter. I like doing them quarterly so that I can review and readjust for the next quarter. ON the left are my goals for January. (Yeah, I know I still need to fill in some boxes.) The…
Move that Elephant!
Your brain is an amazing organ! But then you probably already knew that. What if I told you, that your subconscious is like an Elephant and your conscious, or actively thinking brain is like an ant. You want your ant to go east, but your elephant is going west. How can you turn that elephant around so that your ant will go in the direction you want it to? It all comes down to one activity. It’s what your ant tells your elephant! Your subconscious will believe anything you tell it. Say, “I’m fat.” long enough and no matter what diet you’re on, how much you exercise, or…