Matched at Miracle Inn-Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Isaiah Gonzales’s stomach rumbled as he pulled the door to the diner open. He stomped his wet boots on the doormat and transferred his Stetson from his head to his hand. Standing in front of him was probably the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen. From her hazel-blue eyes, her reddish blond hair, and her curvy figure, she drew him in, especially when she smiled so deliciously at him. He never believed in love at first sight before, but he believed in crush at first sight. And holy smokes, he was crushing on her already!
Celia, the diner’s hostess, glanced at him. “Oh, hello Isaiah.” She greeted him with the same enthusiastic smile she did every day and with everyone. “Your lady with you?”
For all her flirting, Celia couldn’t hold his attention this morning. His eyes never left the beautiful woman’s face. He judged her to be in her mid-thirties. Her professional attire said she was probably on her way to an office somewhere. But he couldn’t imagine anywhere in Miracle needing that kind of fancy attire. While her black blazer, white shirt, and narrow skirt said all business, her wild hair pulled into a loose ponytail screamed she’d love a good hoedown. Too bad the rodeo was over for the year. He’d have asked her out in a minute. She was probably just passing through, except she was with Jack. He always did like to dine with his clients…butter them up to seal a deal. He wondered which house she was buying…or a ranch maybe, though he didn’t know of any for sale. The only place…
“Your regular booth?” Celia brought his attention back to her.
“No, actually…” He turned to the woman. How could someone her age sport freckles in such an adorable way? “You wouldn’t happen to be the new hotel owner, are you?”
“Macy Cooper.” She held out her hand.
Her voice was sweet like molasses, and his heart flipped inside out. He could tell right off the bat they were going to be a perfect fit.
Karen Semones
Enjoyed the preview.
I’m almost finished with episode 1. I think I will release them all close together in a couple of months.