Peppermint’s Christmas Miracle-Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Oh, lawsy, that pretty little filly across the aisle from Delbert was the gosh-darndest lookin’ woman he’d ever laid eyes on. From her blond hair and bluest ever eyes to the freckles on her little button nose, she set his chest a thump-thumpin’. Dang, Wink’s sister was a might bit on the gorgeous side. Too bad about Wink not getting any of those good looks.
Pastor Williams started speaking, but be darned if he wasn’t hearin’ a word being said. That gal over there had pruttenear clogged up his ears. All he could hear was the buzz of Cupid’s sitting on his shoulder right now. It was all he could do to keep from leaping over the bench’s arm and sidling up to her to get a closer look at her. Dang! What in the world was happening to him? Did she cast some kind of magical spell on him?
The pastor said his final words, jerking Delbert back to the present. His buddy was now a husband and Del was the last man standing in the ranch hand line up without a wife, not even a gal to call his own. Maybe he could convince that perdy girl over there to stick around for a date or two before she headed back north. He never did figure out just how far north Wink’s family came from.
The organ played that wedding closing song where the couple runs out the door all sugary sweet, and the guests get to follow them. When were they s’posed to throw the rice? After the reception. He took another glance over at that cutie, but she was already gone out the door. He better hurry if he wanted to talk to her.
Once he reached the outer doors, Wink and Serena were getting into her car with him behind the wheel. It had been right amusin’ to watch him learn to drive a few months ago, and now he was a pro.
That girl was standing next to someone who looked just like her, only older. Must be her mama. And the man with them looked just like Wink. Those must be her folks.
Delbert sauntered on over to them. “Howdy.” And then he got all tongue-tied. What did he say after that? His brain hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Hello.” The Missus held out her hand. “I’m Amelia Everwarmth, Wink’s mother.” She turned to the others, this is Toddy, his daddy, and these are our children. Cinnamon.” She motioned to a woman a little older than the one he had his eye on, and this is our youngest daughter, Peppermint.”
That was seriously their name? Who would do that to a child? Peppermint giggled and ducked her head. “You can just call me Pepper.”
Gosh, oh, mighty, she had a voice as cute as her freckles. “Delbert Brooks. I work at the Bar-Z. Wink and I got to know each other ‘cuz of his job there…well, our job there.” He was starting to sound like an idiot. “Anyways, you all goin’ to the reception?” What a stupid question, of course they were. They were his family after all.
Mrs. Everwarmth smiled at him like he’d grown bull horns out his ears. “Of course. Will we see you there, Mr. Brooks.”
“Yuppers. Wouldn’t miss it for the whole ranch.” He wanted to shake hands with them, especially Peppermint, er, he meant Pepper, but since that opportunity had passed, he’d feel like a fool doing so now. “I’ll see y’all over at the hotel then.”
Mrs. Everwarmth’s smile brightened her face. Maybe she didn’t think he was such an idiot after all.
“Yuppers.” He had no idea why he said that again. No one asked him a question needin’ a yes or no answer. He watched Wink’s family leave with two other people Delbert hadn’t noticed before. The man had a fluffy white beard, and the lady with him had a rather youthful face…must be his daughter. Had Mrs. Everwarmth introduced them and he missed it? He thought he heard the names Chris and Layla. That old guy, though, man he’d pass as an authentic Santa Claus for sure.
Karen Semones
This is a cute story and Delbert almost as funny here as he was in Wink’s story. I look forward to reading the completed story.
It’s going to be lots of fun! I’m having such a blast writing it.