• The Miracle of Joie-Chapter One

            Chapter One Some secrets Santa simply could not be trusted with. His duties lie in fulfilling the expectations of millions of children all over the world. Only Mrs. Claus could fulfill special miracles found in the hearts of the purest children. This was one of those special letters. Deer Mrs. Claus, Santa probly gits lots of letters and I wantd to make shur mine didnt git lost. I no hes reely buzi with ordering his elfs around and gitting them to make mor toys cuz thers lots mor kids arownd nowadays. So I am riting to you cuz I know you’ll make sure to help me…

  • Losing Grace-Chapter 1

    1 Friday, December 13, 2019 Janae wasn’t the first parent to lose a child in death, and she wouldn’t be the last. She’d been told to move past it, to carry on, to find joy again. For Janae, Liliana’s drowning had sucked all the life from her. She didn’t know how she was ever going to make it through the holidays. The alarm on her phone went off. Time to face another day without her daughter, again. She hit dismiss and rolled onto her back. “Wake up, sunshine, or you’re going to be late!” Janae turned toward the wall and pulled the pillow over her ears. “Five more minutes.” “You…

  • I Need Your Help!

    I’m almost ready to publish the next book in the SweetHart’s Cafe series, but I need a title. Must have the word “Unexpected” or some form of the word “Expect” While there is a hint at a mystery, I don’t want that to be the focus. I want the romance between Paige and Josh to be the focus. Here’s chapter one. Hopefully it will spark an idea for you. Here’s what it’s about: Paige Rodrigez, a widow with a young daughter, moves back to Miracle, Texas. The only thing she’s grieving is she hadn’t served him the divorce papers before he was killed. She’s not ready to trust again. Joshua…

  • 2 Not so new books published

    From This: To This: Joie got a facelift! Not that she’s old or anything. I’m updating covers and republishing a couple of my books. I love the way the new cover turned out! I know it’s not Christmas yet, but who can resist a clean/sweet romance any time of the year!   What’s this book about you ask? Let me tell you:   Joie an over-confident, rookie elf is on her first assignment. She has one week before Christmas to find a mother for eight-year-old Emily. Not an easy task, since Emily’s grieving father, Matt, is not ready for marriage. He’s still bitter about the accident that killed his wife…