The Miracle of Joie-Chapter One
Chapter One
Some secrets Santa simply could not be trusted with. His duties lie in fulfilling the expectations of millions of children all over the world. Only Mrs. Claus could fulfill special miracles found in the hearts of the purest children. This was one of those special letters.
Deer Mrs. Claus,
Santa probly gits lots of letters and I wantd to make shur mine didnt git lost. I no hes reely buzi with ordering his elfs around and gitting them to make mor toys cuz thers lots mor kids arownd nowadays. So I am riting to you cuz I know you’ll make sure to help me with my Christmas wish.
I dont want a toy this year. I want sumthing reely speshul, and its not for me, but it kind ov is. It’s for my dad. He needs a wife and that way I get a mommy.
He didnt get any presents for two hole years. Thats cuz my mommy and I wur in a bad car acsident. Mommy died and Im stuk in a wheelchar. Daddy is so sad that he forgets Christmas. We didnt even put up the Christmas tree last year and weer not gonna put up one this year ether. And so I think thats why Santa wont bring anething. And I was in the hospital the yar befor that.
Grammy got me some stuff, but Daddy didnt want anithing. So she gav him a credit card thing. I saw it last week. Its steel in his walet. Aniway, I know that yul make sure to help Daddy get a wif. I think he prefurs ladis with blond hair and blu iyes, but wel tak anione as long as shes nis and doznt run wen she sees me.
Your frend,
PS. My dog died, too. So if my new mommy has one that wud be grat. Unless its a litl one. They bark to much.
Mrs. Claus smiled. She knew just the right elf for the job! Joie Noel…but here in North Pole Kingdom, everyone calls her Joy, because that’s who she is.