An Unexpected Proposal-Chapter 1

An Unexpected Proposal
Chelsea’s feet ached, her back ached, and now her head ached. If Mr. One-more-cup-of-coffee called her over one more time tonight, she’d have a fist ache from punching him in the nose. He never tipped, never thanked, and thought that a snap of his fingers would bring her over faster. Not! Why wouldn’t the man take a hint?
Mostly she loved her regulars, but this guy…ugh, don’t get her started. Every time he came in, Chelsea had to remind herself this job was for Dani.
Did Mr. One-more-cup seriously just snap his fingers again?
Chelsea rolled her eyes and went back to the galley to grab the pot. This late at night, she hoped it was bitter. Would serve him right.
Putting on her biggest smile, she went to his table. “Hi, sugar, can I refill that for you?”
He didn’t push his mug closer. “You got it, Doll.”
She had to lean over to fill it. His hand reached around and pinched her backside. Chelsea jumped, nearly dumping the whole pot in his lap. Her hand itched to slap him, but fear of getting fired kept her fingers wrapped tightly around the handle.
From behind her Sammie, her boss’s daughter, snickered.
Next time Sammie could serve him. “It’s a good thing I didn’t spill this on you, don’t cha know.” Chelsea tilted her head and frowned like that would be the worst thing to happen.
The leche took a sip. “Yeah, you don’t want a lawsuit on your hands.”
“Neither do you, she mumbled under her breath.” In the handbook there was a whole section on sexual harassment, but none of it covered a problem with customers.
He set the mug back on the table. “Hand me that creamer, too, will ya?”
Really? All he had to do was reach six inches. “I’m not turning the other cheek.” Her hand trembled as she reached across him, making sure her backside was well out of his reach. There were other ways to get even with a pervert. She loosened the lid and handed it back to him.
When he held the spout over his coffee, the lid fell off and dumped the entire contents into his mug spilling it all over the table.
“Oops, deary me. Somebody should have made sure that was tightened. Let me get you a fresh cup.” She didn’t wait for his reply, hurried back for a fresh cup and another creamer jar. “Here you go, sir.” The smile she pasted on her face was as fake as a candy ring.
When Chelsea returned the pot to the coffee maker, Sammie leaned against the counter. “Wow, he’s on one tonight. You think he just came from the bar?”
“Nah, too early for him. But the way he’s downing coffee, you’d think he’s trying to sober up before he goes home to his wife.”
A soft chuckle escaped Sammie before she picked up the rag and went back to wiping the bar. “It’s a good thing he tips big, huh?” The sarcasm dripped from her words like sucrose.
“Right.” Chelsea’s gaze drifted to the hostess who was seating Hyrum. Now there was a regular who was not only pleasant to look at but made butterflies race around her stomach and her heart to flutter, not to mention he left more than generous tips on the table. Sammie had tried several times to get Celia to seat him in her section, but he’d always declined, insisting to be seated in Chelsea’s.
Sammie motioned to Hyrum. “Look who just came in. It’s your lover boy.”
Chelsea snatched the rag from her and slapped her playfully on the shoulder with it. “He’s just a paying customer.” Although, if she had to pick a boyfriend, he’d be right at the top of her list. One date, that’s all she wanted. Somewhere public, just in case.
“He’s the one with a hefty wallet…and smoldering brown eyes and kissable lips…I wonder what that would feel—”
Before Sammie could finish, Chelsea threw the rag at her face. “Just stop.” She reached over the bar and grabbed a menu from the stack and went to her newest customer. “Hey, Hyrum, what can I get for you tonight?”
He took the menu she offered. “Give me a sec, will ya. It’s a big night. I have to mull over the right way to propose.”
Dang! So much for that one date. He had a girlfriend after all. Why hadn’t he ever brought her here? Maybe this diner was too low class for her. Maybe she was one of those stuck up, gold-diggers. “Take your time, we close in a few hours, but none of us are that anxious to go home to our families anyway.” She made sure he didn’t miss the snark in her voice. Although truth be told, she’d let him hang out here all night with her, maybe let him drive her home. She might even steal him away from his girlfriend. No, Chelsea would never do that. If he was as in love with her as he looked, she would never do that.
His chuckle rang like music. Did his girlfriend find that as attractive as Chelsea did? “That’s what I love about you—your adorable sense of humor.” He grinned up at her, showing a gorgeous set of gleaming teeth.
“Does your girlfriend keeping you laughing, too?” Not that she really wanted to hear about his love-life, especially since she’d never get that one date. Yet, flirting like this with Hyrum always earned her big tips.
“I’d say her funny bone is right on par with yours. She’s going to make a great wife.” His smile deepened. Chelsea’s heart thumped against her ribs. Hopefully, one day, she’d find someone who would make her pulse race like this. Someone she could call her Oh, Dang. Not that creep in college who’d…no she was not going to give him another thought! It had taken her two years to get over that trauma, or at least squash it enough so she didn’t have nightmares about him anymore.
“I’m glad she makes you happy.” Though she said the words, her heart ached with jealousy. Why did all the good guys get taken? Not that Chelsea should even be looking right now.
“You have no idea how surprised she’s going to be when I propose.”
“I’ll give you a moment to think about how you’re going to…” Her voice stuck on the word. “…propose.” Chelsea went back to the galley.
Sammie leaned over the bar, her elbows on the surface, her hands holding up her head. “Sigh. He is dreamy, isn’t he?”
“Stop drooling or you’re going to have to wipe the counter down again.” Over her shoulder, she glanced at Hyrum. His head was buried in his menu, but he couldn’t hide the odd smile crinkling his eyes. Even more jealous of the woman who would be his wife, Chelsea picked up a stack of paper napkins and rolled silverware inside. “Did you know he’s going to propose to his girlfriend soon?” Chelsea tried to unravel the knot of disappointment in her stomach.
“What? No!” True shock registered on Sammie’s face. “Oh, dang.”
“Yeah, he’s not going to be my Oh, Dang.” Not that Chelsea had time for a relationship anyway. She had Dani to worry about.
Hyrum looked up, the smile broadening. If it got any bigger, his ears would disappear.
Chelsea took that as her cue and went to his table. “Are you ready to order now?”
His excited expression faded; the confidence disappearing along with it. “Would you mind sitting with me for a bit?”
She looked up to see if Mr. One-more-cup needed any attention. His eyes met hers, and his fingers rose to snap again.
“Hold on, Hyrum.” Chelsea shot Sammie a desperate look and a nod in Mr. One-more-cup’s direction.
Sammie gave her a thumbs-up.
Chelsea’s gaze went back to Hyrum. One date, that’s all she wanted with him before he proposed, just to say she’d gone out with a wealthy bachelor just once. “Okay, you have my undivided attention.”
Hyrum reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring case.
Oh, great! Now she got to be legitimately, unquestionably jealous of the rock he planned to give his girlfriend.
He slid out of his seat, knelt in front of Chelsea, and opened the case so she could get a long, begrudgingly envious look.
It was exactly as she’d pictured. Huge. Extravagant. Expensive.
“Chelsea, the waitress.” He swallowed. “Will you marry me?”
What the what? Did Chelsea hear him right? Was there wax in her ears? Her imagination playing tricks on her? She shook her head. Oh, right. Practice on the poor, lowly waitress. Maybe he’d give her a bigger than usual tip tonight if she played along with him. “Ah, Hyrum, you’re so wonderful, and charming, and sweet.”
“Just say yes.” His gorgeous eyes begged. Was that good acting or sincerity?
Chelsea pushed the ring back toward Hyrum. “I don’t think you’ll have to beg her if she’s already crazy about you.”
Hyrum’s hand dropped in dejection. “See, I don’t know if she’s crazy about me or not. I mean, we’ve only known each other for a few months.”
She drew her eyebrows together. “Then how can you be proposing so fast?”
Chelsea had never known Hyrum to be without words. “Then maybe you should wait.”
“I can’t. I’m afraid…well, I’ll chicken out if I don’t do it now.”
Shaking her head, Chelsea studied his face. What in the supreme meal deal of the day was he talking about?
He slunk back into his seat. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Chelsea, I’m asking you to marry me.”
Laughter in the form of a snort broke free of its own accord. “Oh, you funny boy.” She stood and pulled her order pad from her apron. “Okay, you played me good.” Part of her wanted to believe someone like Hyrum would propose to her, but after a whole bunch of dates, and falling in love and… “What can I get for you? Your usual, bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich smothered in ranch dressing?”
Hyrum took the notebook and pencil from her hand and set them on the table, then took her hand. “You—I want you.”
This could not be happening. Sure, she thought he was handsome, smart, kind, funny—but way out of her league. Why would someone like him want to even date her, let alone marry her? Unable to summon her tongue, Chelsea stared at him, then down at his hand holding hers. Warm, comfortable, like they were meant to be touching like this.
Ah, nuts Chelsea! You’re an idiot to even be thinking about something so preposterous right now. Even if he was serious, which she highly doubted, what would he say when she told him about Dani? Nobody wanted to be straddled with a kid like that.
Wow, what an intriguing start for a story. Butterflies in my stomach for what is to come!
Karen Semones
I love the start to this book and can’t wait to see what happens next.