Ring in the NEW!
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! #2022 #haveagreatyear I love that I can decide my future and plan how I want things to go. And this year, I’m planning for things to be amazing. We had a New Year’s Eve party. . . #newyearseve with some of our favorite friends #friends #bestfriends #ringinthenewyear Our last trip of the year was to Texas #sanantonioriverwalk We took the grandkids to the Pleasure Pier #pleasurepier #galvaston We had so much fun with our grandkids! #soakingwetonthisride #pleasurepier I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. My prayer for you is to have a blessed new year! May it be all that you desire!
The Matchmaker’s Match-Chapter 1
I’m so excited to share with you the cover of my newest book! So excited, that I’m going to share with you the first chapter. Look for news of my upcoming release! The Matchmaker’s Match-Book 5 in the Mail Order StarBrides series Chapter 1 Elspeth considered the baby in her arms as she might a painting, but decided the price outweighed the benefits. The puking, drooling bit of a thing was good for one thing at this point in her short life – smiling. Mallory leaned over the infant and gave her a quick peck on the nose. “Mommy will only be gone for a few hours.” “Or eternity.” Though…
Plotting for Pantsers-How I write
Many people have asked me how I come up with my stories and how I write. So I wrote a book on how I write. Inside this book, you’ll find all my ideas plus plenty of exercises for your creative imagination! You can get a copy here. I’ve taught several classes on my method. I’m a true pantser through and through, but I do have a few things I “plot” out before I start writing. A lot of it I just make up as I go along. But here’s my method in a nutshell. So here’s my six easy steps: The idea: I use lots of different methods for coming…
The Big C-It’s not what you think it means
We all know what the big C used to mean. Now it means something entirely different as of March 2020. I may have had the big C before anyone even knew what that was. Hacking, coughing, fever, no energy. I can’t remember if I lost my sense of smell. I just know that when I’m fluish, nothing tastes good, even before the big C. It’s been over a year and half since then, and so much has happened in that time. It feels like I’ve lived a lifetime! First of all, the big C called Changes: We moved from Mesa, AZ to Show Low, AZ. It’s beautiful here. I ever…