Off to North Pole Kingdom-Part 1

I asked who wanted to see Wink and Serena take that trip to the North Pole.

Here’s part one!

Off to North Pole Kingdom (added scene)

Part 1

Wink stood with his arm around Serena, as Santa flew off without them. Wink thought for sure taking Serena to NPK wouldn’t be a problem. This wasn’t the first time anyone had made a request like that. For some reason Wink couldn’t fathom, Santa straight up told him no.

Serena put her hand on Wink’s chest. “It’s alright. Maybe some other time.”

He patted her hand where it rested over his heart, loving the warmth of her against his side. “No, it’s not okay. I promised you a trip to NPK.”

Serena snuggled into him closer. “So, this miracle thing…” She fingered the pin still attached to her collar. “What exactly are its limitations?”

Was she suggesting they use his one and only miracle to travel to NPK? Oh, good golly gumdrops, what would Santa think if they showed up when he clearly told them they couldn’t accompany him to the North Pole. “I didn’t ask Mrs. Claus, but I suppose it could take us there.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’ll have to wait until Santa is all settled in for his long winter’s nap. Mrs. Claus, too. I don’t know what she’ll say when they see us.”

“How long after Christmas does Santa fall asleep?”

“Not long.” Wink calculated that Santa’s exhaustion usually hit him before he arrived at NPK, relying on the stamina of his reindeer to guide him in his worn down state. “Once Santa gets back home, Penny will see to unharnessing the reindeer and making sure all’s secure until everyone at NPK wakes up to get started on the next year’s activities.”

“She’s more than amazing with all the animals, not just the ones that pull Santa’s sleigh.” Wink chuckled remembering a certain episode with a Arktos. “She tried to get me to ride a polar bear.”

Serena cast him a silly grin. “It couldn’t be worse than you trying to ride a horse.”

“Yeah, well, not only did Arktos buck me around, he threw me into a snow bank, growled and nearly bit my head off.” Wink shuddered at the thought. “It ranks right up there with getting stuck in a coal mine.” He’d rather get back on a horse any day.

Serena unpinned the miracle. “Then let’s wait until you think everyone’s asleep…”

“Except Penny. That girl won’t be asleep.”

“Can we avoid her?”

“Not likely.” His sister seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to Wink.


Serena could hardly sleep. Not that she could ever sleep on Christmas Eve anyway. Now that she knew Santa was real, her excitement for Christmas morning intensified, not because of the gifts she anticipated he would bring, but because she’d fallen madly, happily, and exhaustedly in love with a certain elf-turned-human. Every day since the accident, his face had healed little by little, until Serena couldn’t decide if he was more handsome than the first day she met him, or because her love made him seem that way. Whatever the reason, his face had grown on her. Writing down all the qualities of a perfect match in her journal was the best thing she’d ever done. Wink fit every one of them. All she had to do now was to convince Wink they should get married on Valentine’s Day.

She stared up at the ceiling. Could cupid be real as well? Anything was possible, right?

When the first light of morning shined through her curtains, Serena bounded out of bed. If her calculations were right, the east most area of the dateline would end in just a few hours. How long would it take for Santa to return home?

From the living room, Benny squealed with delight.

She flung her covers off and slid her feet into plush slippers. No sense in staying in bed!

Benny sat beside the Christmas tree, holding first one present then another. “Dis mine?” he asked after rattling each one.

Olivia picked Benny up and set him on her lap. “You have to wait until everybody gets here.”

Great! That meant waiting for Ellie and Jack to get the kids ready and over to the house. Heather was still asleep. No need to go wake her up until their oldest sister arrived.

Daddy stuffed another log in the fireplace. The glow warmed the room. “Did you invite Wink to join us?”

Serena could barely breathe out, “I hope you don’t mind.”

Daddy poked the log, settling it against the ones turning to dying embers. “If this is going where I think it is, I’ll have another son-in-law by the end of the year.”

“By Valentine’s Day.”

Olivia leaned forward. “When did you say?”

Serena hadn’t meant to say it that loud. “Well…I…Uh…”

The knock at the back door gave Serena the perfect exit cue, at least for the moment. She raced through the kitchen. “Good morning.” She threw her arms around Wink and planted a quick kiss on his lips. “It’s almost meridian time.”

Wink wrapped her in his arms. “You that excited?”

“This is going to be the best Christmas ever.” She pulled him inside.

When everyone finally arrived and sat around the living room, Serena couldn’t wait to finish all this unwrapping. Boy was she glad Ellie brought her kids over in the pajamas.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I love it, it’s perfect.”

“I can’t wait to try this out.”

Why did their family have to open the presents one at a time. Couldn’t they just tear into them all at once and save the pleasantries for later?

Wink leaned into her. “You antsy?”

If he only knew how anxious, excited, exhilarated, eager and ecstatic she was to go to NPK. “Maybe we can sneak out of here early.” How did he manage to stay so calm?

He ignored her suggestion but held out a small box for her, about the size of an engagement ring. All eyes turned to her.

“Go on, unwrap it?” Heather’s voice sounded more excited than Serena.

Holding her breath, she peeled away the ribbon and wrapping. Did she really want him to propose to her here, like this? Before she opened it, she glanced around the room where everyone, including Wink was holding their breath as well.

She eased the top open. A flood of disappointment along with relief must have washed over her face. Inside, instead of a ring was a pin like the one Mrs. Claus had tucked in her collar. On the top were the letters NPK.

“Soon,” was all Wink said.

Serena snapped the lid closed.



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