Peppermint’s Christmas Miracle-chapter 3

Chapter 3
Peppermint repeated his name quietly to herself. Delbert. She would love to roll it off her tongue out loud. Probably sounded as sweet as cotton candy. Santa motioned for them to step behind the church where he used a bit of magic and whisked them to the back of Miracle Inn.
Peppermint straightened her forest green dress and tried to smooth her unruly hair. She’d tried to use a flat iron on it, but the humidity only sprung it back into a curly mess. Mom always told her to be grateful for what the good Lord blessed her with. Sure, she could say that since her hair was straight as a pin, and she managed to pull it into a French knot at the back of her head. And truth be told, Mom looked pretty amazing as a human. Dad? Well, he could have used a little more work. But there was no mistaking that Wink and her father weren’t related.
Even though Mrs. Claus had sent Wink on his mission as a homely human, his new wife seemed to adore his face. Whenever she thought no one was looking, she kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. Of course, he looked like he didn’t mind it either. Trouble was, every time Peppermint tried to sneak up on them, they were kissing. Heavens to hash, it was downright disgusting. Would she like being kissed? None of the guys back home ever tried. Not even the guy that she was thinking of marrying. Why did that thought suddenly not sound as wonderful to her as it should have? Mom and Dad were hoping she’d marry Calypso, had practically arranged it with his parents. Was Peppermint ready to settle down? Twenty-two was super young in elf years.
Her insides were all tingly just watching that handsome cowboy. Delbert. She whispered his name so no one could hear her. Now there was a guy she could get used to looking at all the time, like every morning when he went off to work. Would they live together in the ranch quarters? Or maybe one of those cute little bungalows Wink showed her. What would their kids look like? How many kids did he want?
Peppermint slapped herself…mentally, of course. Why was she even thinking about him that way? It wasn’t like they were really going to get married. She already knew how her father felt about Wink turning into a human and falling for his client. He would positively throw a gasket.
Could she live without ever seeing her parents? Layla had told Wink that once he married Serena visits to NPK would be almost nonexistent. But if Peppermint stayed here in Miracle, she’d be near her brother. But golly gum drops would she miss her mom. How would Mom feel about not getting to see her grandchildren.
“Peppermint?” Mom tapped her arm. “Are you off in the clouds again? Thinking about a certain accountant?”
“Oh, good-n-plenty, I am not.” She didn’t dare tell her the real man who occupied her thoughts.
“Are you coming?” Dad asked.
Peppermint giggled. “Oh, yes, I wouldn’t miss it for the ranch.” Isn’t that what Delbert had said.
Dad shook his head and took Mom’s hand. Handy turned to scowl at her. “You are such an airhead.
“Oooo, I like airheads. They make my tongue tingle.” Peppermint followed her older sister inside. Handy really ought to get married and then she wouldn’t be such a pest!
The inside of the hotel’s conference center was decorated with hearts and red balloons. Everything about the reception said Valentines.
Such a day for love. And speaking of whom, Delbert stood at the refreshment table next Zeke, the owner of the Bar-Z. “I’m going to go get a drink.”
Handy’s eyes shot straight to Delbert and back to Peppermint. “Drink, my Aunt Belle’s cookies.”
“You have to admit, he’s awfully handsome.”
Her brother shook his head. “No, he’s too old, tall, and need I mention he’s married.”
Peppermint chuckled. “Not Zeke. The cute guy with him.”
“Delbert.” The way her brother said it made it sound like she already detested him without even getting to know him. “And yes, I knew who you were talking about.” Before Peppermint could escape his admonitions, Handy grabbed her arm. “Now don’t you go falling for him, you hear. It’s already killing Mom that one of her children will never be able to come home. Can you imagine what would happen if you fell in love with a human?”
“I’m not. But I can look, can’t I?” She tore away from Handy’s grasp and crossed the spacious dance floor.
Delbert nodded when she approached the punch bowl. “Let me get that for you.” Before Peppermint could object, he dipped the ladle into the frothy red punch and filled one of those little cups. He handed it to her, and their hands touched. Little zings of Christmas electricity shot straight up her arm and landed with a kerplunk right in her chest. “Thank you.” Her voice came out a squeak. She cleared her throat, managing to sound more like herself. “You are too kind.”
“I’m obliged to serve a pretty lady like you.”
Warmth spread up her neck and settled in her cheeks. Calypso had never called her pretty. “You’re too kind.” She took a sip of the punch, hoping to hide her face.
“Would you care to dance?”
Peppermint had no idea why he asked her that since there was no music playing. “Is there an orchestra somewhere that I can’t hear?” She batted her eyes at him.
Color shot into his cheeks, too. Goodness gumdrops, this was awkward. “I mean, when the band gets here.” He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck.
“I would love to…Delbert.” Oh, how that name sounded in her mouth, like pop rocks against her tongue. So masculine. Nothing like the sissy elf-name, Calypso. Why did her stomach tingle at being so close to Delbert?
Handy snuck up behind her and snagged Peppermint’s arm. “I need to show my sister something.” Dragging her away from the refreshment table, Handy practically hissed in her ear. “Stop flirting. You know this will never work.” He nodded his head to their father who stood off to the side with a glower on his face.
“Ah, it’s just for fun. You know I’m going to get stuck with that dud of an accountant.”
Handy shook his head in disapproval. “You are betrothed to him.”
“It’s not a done deal until I say I do.” Peppermint stuck out her lower lip. “Besides, shouldn’t we marry for love, not just because our parents matched us up?”
“It’s for the best, you know.”
Peppermint put her hands on her hips. “Wait until you fall hopelessly in love and then what? Will you marry whoever Daddy picks for you?”
Handy released his hold on Peppermint and huffed as he walked away. She knew that would get Handy’s polar bear.
A man holding a microphone spoke, “The first dance as a married couple goes to Wink and Serena.” Soft, melodic music came from across the room, but not from a band or orchestra. A duet of guitars and voices filled the air. Their song was romantic and lilting…all about eternal love and a blissful life.
Wink’s face shone with adoration for Serena and her face beamed back at him.
Peppermint caught Delbert as he watched the couple dancing, a wistful expression on his face. Was he jealous of Wink? Did he have unrequited feelings for Serena? No, there was something more to the emotions crossing his face. His gaze suddenly met hers and color once again flooded his cheeks. She thought he might be embarrassed, but he made her stomach flutter and heart race when he grinned at her and tilted his head a bit, as if asking her if she’d like to dance with him.
She took a quick glance back at her parents, who were also watching Wink and Serena dance. Mom was still teary-eyed, and Dad’s face had softened a little. Maybe seeing Wink so happy lent an air of acceptance. Would Dad feel the same way once Peppermint got married, no matter who it was?
She snuck away from her family and meandered around the room looking as if she was wandering just to wander. Ending up beside Delbert, like it hadn’t been her intention, she lifted the corners of her mouth in a sugary sweet smile. “When the married couples are done with their dances, I’d love to dance with you.”
One Comment
Karen Semones
I am enjoying Peppermint’s story so far.