Peppermint’s Christmas Miracle-Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Well, hot dog! Peppermint was fixin’ to dance with Delbert after all. The next dance was dedicated to all the married couples who’d gathered. He knew the standard procedure at weddings, and he felt a little foolish for jumpin’ the gun in asking Peppermint a might too soon.
The announcer kept calling out how long people had been married. The longer the couples were hitched, the longer they got to stay on the dance floor, until the guy at the mic said, “Anyone been married over fifty years?” The only couple left waltzing was that man Kris and his lady who looked like she’d found the fountain of youth.
The announcer shuffled over to them, mic in hand. “So how long have you two been hitched?”
“One hundred and fifty-two years,” Kris said with his arm around Layla’s waist.
Layla giggled in a right jolly way. “It feels like that sometimes.” She nudged Kris in the ribs. “Fifty-two,” she corrected him.
The announcer handed them a bouquet of red roses. “Congratulations! Here’s to a hundred and fifty-two more.”
Kris opened his mouth like he was fixin’ to add his two cents, but his wife nudged him again and shook her head, like she was done with his pranks.
Standing beside Delbert, Pepper let out a sigh that spelled pure contentment. Were these her grandparents? Had to be. Well, whatever their relationship, Pepper looked at them like they’d hung the moon. Boy was she lucky to have such a wonderful family. Man o’ howdy, though, her daddy looked plum unhappy about the whole thing. Maybe he was jes one of them born grumps. Or maybe his tuxedo was a might too snug. Mrs. Everwarmth, on the other hand, looked right happy with the way she kept grinning and dabbing her eyes.
The announcer had gone back to his spot as the D.J. “Alright, cowboys and cowgirls, time to snag yer favorite pardner.”
Delbert extended his hand, a grin spreading wide. “Finally.”
Her delicate hand in his sent pleasant little feels down his spine that landed in the tips of his boots. He led her to the dance floor and took her in his arms. His hand at her waist and hers on his shoulder felt natural, as if she’d been made to fit just right in his arms. And the way she followed his lead was like they’d been practicing for years. Did he dare suggest that the whole family stay for a few more days. Heck, they could all learn about trail riding and maybe experience the thrill of ranch life. But if they all had pressing matters to get to back home, maybe Pepper’s parents would at least let her stay for a few more days. Since Delbert was due some days off, maybe Zeke might let him drive her home. Wink said he was from up north. Jes how far north?
All too soon, the music ended, and drat it all if Delbert didn’t have to turn loose of her. How many dances could he get away with before he had to find another partner? In a small town like this, if he didn’t change it up some with some of the other single ladies, the gossip squad would be plannin’ his wedding to Pepper. The last thing he wanted was to get hitched after what MaryBeth done to him. Besides, he hardly knew anything about Pepper other than she was the purdiest girl in Brazoria County.
Pepper clapped her hands. “Thank you, Delbert. You are a delightful dancer.”
“Ah, gosh.” Darned if that heat from today’s work in the fields didn’t just keep a comin’ back like a sunburn’s souvenir. “It was a pleasure.”
Someone tapped Delbert’s shoulder. “I hope you saved a dance for me.”
MaryBeth’s dull green eyes glared up at him. Ain’t nothing worse than being in the same room with that woman who’d already dug her claws in once and left his heart bleeding. Looked like she was coming back for round two of adding insult to injury. Where was that fella who’d convinced her to two-time?
All eyes in the reception hall bore into him. His skin prickled like he’d been caught wadin’ through manure. He sure as heck didn’t owe her anything, not after what she done to him. The skin on the back of his neck prickled like fire ants in his collar. He’d be an idiot to let her back in his life again.
While MaryBeth was purdy enough, he didn’t like her throwing herself back into his arms without so much as a “do you mind?” or “for old time’s sake,” or even a “gosh, I’m awful sorry.” Nope. Not gonna happen. But if he knew his ex, she wouldn’t take his no for an answer.
Delbert had to come up with a good excuse to cut her off right now. He snagged Pepper by the arm and pulled her against his side. “Pepper, darlin’, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine.” He hoped Pepper could go along with his excuse to get out of dancing with MaryBeth. Admittedly, not his best option, but he had nothin’ to lose, despite the gossip squad.
“How do you do.” Pepper held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet friends of Delbert’s.”
MaryBeth’s smile said, “Pleasure to meet you.” The daggers shooting from her eyes said, the complete opposite. “Did you know Del is my fian—”
Before MaryBeth could finish her statement, Delbert cut her off. “Was.” He took a deep breath and held Pepper closer. “Pepper’s my steady gal now. And I don’t cheat on my significant others.” His words punctuated the air.
Confusion shot across Pepper’s face, then as if she’d suddenly realized what was happening, she said, “That’s right, Delbert, honey.” She looked MaryBeth straight in the face. “And nobody dances with my man but me.”
Delbert raised an eyebrow at Pepper. The girl had more gumption than a prairie flower bloomin’ in the dust.
Karen Semones
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