Wink and Serena in NPK-Part 4

Hopefully only 2 more parts to go
Part 4
Wink held her hand and together they walked down the cobblestone streets. First the toy village and the factories lined along one side and the lighting and decorations on the other. Each a delight, each thrilled Serena’s senses. The aromas of cinnamon and ginger mingled with the tinkling of the bells over the doorways sang of Christmas. Even though each of the buildings were void of elves and activities, Serena imagined their tools humming against a background of festive music.
Serena’s eyes danced around the colorfully lit and decorated rooms. “When will the elves get back to work?”
Wink kept her hand in his. “After their long winter’s nap.”
“So, when is that?” Serena squeezed his hand. Her boyfriend could be such a tease.
“Day after tomorrow.”
Drat. She really wanted to get to visit with the elves.
Wink chucked her under her chin. “And no, we can’t be here when they wake up.”
“Yeah, I know. Santa told us no about me visiting.” Not only was Wink mischievous, he was slightly naughty, too.
“So let’s not waste time if you want to see everything before we get caught.” Wink led her around a corner where they stopped at the biggest Christmas tree Serena had ever seen. This must be Santa’s house.
“Santa’s house.” It was like he could read her mind. “The door isn’t locked, so we can peek inside. Wink opened the arched, wooden door nearly twice as tall as her. It swung soundlessly open. The foyer spanned farther across than Serena’s entire home, and decorations laid out in every corner spoke of Christmas as well: garlands, candy canes, pillows in red and green and gold. Brightly lit candles on the mantles and crackling flames in the fireplace brought warmth to the room.
Two doors on either side of the room sported name plates on them. Santa Claus over the one on the right and Leila Clause over the one on the left.
“They don’t sleep together?” Serena couldn’t imagine being married and having separate bedrooms.
“No, those are their offices.” He tugged her hand to Santa’s doorway. “I’ve only been in here a couple of times.”
“Is it kind of like getting called into the principal’s office?” Serena had spent several instances in Mr. Cleveland’s office.
“No, Mrs. Claus is the one who hands out discipline.” He leaned in and whispered. “Santa pretends to be in charge, but it’s really Mrs. Claus who runs NPK.”
“Is she the one who sent you to Miracle?”
Wink nodded. “I’m glad she did.”
Serena pulled his face to her and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Me, too.” She shuddered. She might have ended up with Dr. Leroy Burke.
Cracking the door open, Wink peered in before motioning for Serena to take a look. “We won’t go inside, but I wanted you to see where Santa makes his lists and checks them twice.”
The living room’s theme carried into Santa’s office as well. Behind a mahogany desk, a bookshelf holding billions of scrolls reached so high, Serena couldn’t see the top. “Wow. That’s a lot of lists.”
“That’s hundreds of years of children.” Backing out, he closed the door. He led her to Mrs. Claus’ door. “And this is where the special requests end up.” He pushed the door open. While Santa’s office was expansive, Leila’s was cozy. Her desk was half the size of Santa’s and made of pine. Its varnished finish shone in the warm candlelight.
Wink sat in the chair. “The last time I was here, my feet didn’t reach the floor.”
Serena crossed to the back of the desk and settled into Mrs. Claus’ chair. What would it be like to live here as a human? No, she loved her hometown. Picking up a feather pen, she examined it before poising it over a blank sheet of paper and read as she wrote “Dear Mrs. Claus.” The ink flowed magically off the tip. “Will you grant my Christmas wish?”
“And what might that be?” Wink leaned forward, examining her words.
“Will you let me marry Wink on Valentine’s Day?” She finished the letter with her name. “Serena Hartman, soon to be Serena Everwarmth.”
A broad smile spread across Wink’s face. “Don’t you think that’s rushing it a bit?”
One Comment
Karen Semones
I love the story so far.