Wink and Serena in NPK Part 6

I thought this was going to be the last segment. Just one more (I think)…
I guess I’m having too much fun with these characters!
In case you missed part 5, click HERE
Was it just three days ago that Mrs. Claus had tucked Wink’s miracle pin into the collar of Serena’s blouse? She owed this woman such a debt of gratitude for sending Wink to her. Had Mrs. Claus known all along that Serena would end up with him?
Wink took Serena’s hand. “I only have a couple of places left to show her, and then we’ll be on our say.”
Mrs. Claus’ unmistakable grin spread across her face twinkling her eyes. “Make sure to show her the chapel.”
“I was saving the best for last.” Wink squeezed Serena’s hand, the warmth of his touch sending little tingles up her arm. She would forever be grateful for the list of pros and cons on what to look for in a boyfriend. She might never have considered him boyfriend material at all. In fact, he was husband material, and she couldn’t wait to make him a permanent part of her life. Valentine’s Day was a very short seven weeks away. Would Olivia be put out that she had to prepare for a wedding in such a short time? If Mama was still alive, she’d be freaking out for sure.
After bidding farewell to Mrs. Claus, including a tight hug, Wink led her back out the door and down the lane. A beautiful white chapel gleamed in the afternoon light. Its tall spire shot heavenward like a radio beacon sending prayers directly to God.
Wink led her up the sidewalk and through double doors trimmed in gold. The cathedral-like chapel rivaled any of the images of the ones in Europe. For a brief moment Serena pictured herself walking down the aisle in her mother’s wedding gown holding a bouquet of red roses and white baby’s breath. Her sisters would be standing in front in red dresses with similar flowers. She pictured Wink in a black tux, a single red rose tucked into the lapel. “Do you think…” She let her voice trail off. It was ridiculous to think that her family and friends could come to North Pole Kingdom. If Santa had told Serena no to visiting NPK, then a wedding here would be strictly off limits.
Wink must have been reading her mind. “Yeah, not gonna happen.”
“It was fun to think about for a moment, though, huh?”
Wink’s handsome grin melted her heart. “I guess we’ll have to make due with the church in Miracle.” He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around Serena’s shoulder. “Let’s pretend, shall we?”
Serena nodded.
Wink took ahold of her shoulders. “You stand back here.”
He hurried to the front of the chapel where the organ sat and turned it on. “I’m not any good at music. From where Serena stood, it looked like he was pushing buttons. As the wedding march swelled from the organ pipes, Wink motioned for her to walk down the aisle, while he stood in the groom’s position.
Butterflies stampeded through her stomach as she mimed holding a bouquet. The closer she got to Wink, the more they raced around her stomach. Would it feel like this when she walked down the aisle for real? Like Christmas, the anticipation was so much more fun.
When she reached Wink, he held out his hand, and yanked it back. “Hold on.” He hurried to the organ, shut off the music and stood beside her. Like a ventriloquist, he threw his voice, making it sound much higher pitched. “Do you Serena Hartman take Wink Everwarmth to be your husband?
Her heart fluttered. “I do.”
“And do you Wink Everwarmth take Serena to be your elf husband?”
Those words brought a giggle from deep inside.
Wink changed back to his voice. “I do.”
Then as the person marrying them, Wink said, “You may now kiss the bride as long as you want.”
Serena leaned in waiting for his lips to press hers. This time the anticipation wasn’t evern close to what it felt like for Christmas. She treasured every single moment of the sweetness of his lips on hers. And as the ventriloquist minister said, Wink kissed her and kissed her and kissed her. She didn’t remember sliding her hands around his neck.
From the back of the chapel, someone cleared a throat but didn’t say anything.
Wink jumped back, leaving Serena to groan. She wanted it to never end.
“Peppermint, what are you doing here.”
His sister marched down the aisle looking a little put out. “Mrs. Claus sent me to find you.”
Wink drew his eyebrows together. “We were just with her.”
Peppermint put her hands on her hips. “Yeah, well, Santa is awake, and apparently, he’s not happy with you at all.”
Karen Semones
It just gets better and better.
Ah, thank you!