Wink and Serena in NPK-Part 7

Part 7 (If this is your first time here, you’ll want to start with part 1. Click HERE to begin the story.)

I’m so excited to bring you the conclusion of Wink and Serena’s brief trip to North Pole Kingdom. While there’s lots more story to share, It will have to wait until next Christmas. I’ve been playing with some ideas with Peppermint and a certain ranch hand. You remember Delbert? The shy cowboy from The Miracle of Wink? You’re going to love their story! I’m excited to start writing it.

Without further ado, here’s the conclusion:

Led by his sister, Wink and Serena raced after her toward the reindeer stables. Once inside, she closed the door behind them without making a sound and put her fingers to her lips. 

Peppermint crossed to the stall with a name plate hanging over the gate that read Darbie. “I’ll probably get in a lot of trouble for this if Santa catches me.” She opened the gate, and the young reindeer approached his sister, nuzzling her neck. Slipping a bridle over Darbie’s head and settling the bit in her mouth, she spoke soothingly to her. “You’ll take care of them for me, won’t you?” 

Darbie nodded her head.  

Next came the rest of the rigging, including a harness around her shoulders, the back strap, tug, reins, lines and straps. As Peppermint slipped a blinking device onto the harness, Serena asked. “What’s that?” 

“GPS.” Peppermint pressed a few buttons on it. “This way she won’t have to guess where you live, and you won’t have to try and guide her. 

Serena nodded. She must have been impressed with NPK technology. “Are we going to ride her?” 

Wink chuckled. “We both won’t fit on her, especially as humans. The only way that would work is for Mrs. Claus to turn us both into elves.” 

Peppermint thumbed toward the back of the stable. “We have all kinds of practice sleighs.”  

While Wink had worked with his sister shoveling the stalls, he’d never ridden in one of the sleighs. From listening to Peppermint talk about her job, he knew some were sleds that were only used on the ground. The ones with curved fronts, to cut down on wind resistance, were built for flying. 

Serena’s eyes grew wide. “Are we going to fly home?” 

“Yep.” Peppermint dragged a medium sized one to the middle of the room and attached the reins to the rigging on Darbie. “All you have to do is give the reins a little shake and click your tongue, and she’ll do the rest.” 

Wink held Serena’s hand and helped her into the sleigh before he settled in next to her. Dropping a blanket over their legs, he shot a candy corn grin at her. “We’ll see you at our wedding on Valentine’s Day.” 

She raced to the stable door and flung it open. Santa stood on the other side, his hands on his hips and no jolly expression on his face. 

“Jujubees! Wink Everwarmth!” he shouted. “You get your peppermint patty back here.”

Serena chuckled. “Golly gumdrops. He swears like you do.”

“Where do you think I get my best cuss words?” Wink spun in his seat and hollered over the back of the sleigh. “I’ll see you on Valentine’s Day!” 

Next to him, Serena giggled. “You really are one naughty elf.” 

Wink transferred both reins to one hand, wrapped his free arm around Serena’s shoulders and pulled her close. “How do you think I ended up in the coal mine?” 

A soft smile crossed Serena’s face. “You’re my kind of elf.” She leaned her mouth towards his. Wink couldn’t resist her cotton candy kisses and drew her even closer. They were his utter downfall. It was a good thing Darbie was set to autopilot, or they’d have probably ended up somewhere in Europe. Valentine’s Day couldn’t come soon enough. 

If you haven’t read the story, check it out on Amazon! Click HERE to get your copy!

And of course you’ll want to read the first book as well. They can be read in any order; however, to get the full impact of why Wink deserved his own story, you’ll have to see what mischief he was up to in The Miracle of Joie. Click HERE to get your copy!


    • betsylove

      His cursing is just like Wink’s “Peppermint sticks, jujubees, golly gumdrops”…that kind of thing. Maybe I should have put what he actually says. 😀

    • betsylove

      I changed that paragraph so his profanity isn’t profane. I never meant for it to be, but after reading through it, I can see where it could be misconstrued. I’d hoped that Serena’s comment afterward explained what came out of Santa’s mouth.

      • Karen Semones

        I liked that wording better. Thanks for changing it. I enjoyed the story and I’m hoping in the future to find out they made it home safely and finally got married.

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