Wink and Serena off to NPK (North Pole Kingdom-Part 2)

I didn’t realize this story was going to be a little longer than I thought. Here’s part 2:

With his hand around Serena’s, Wink touched the miracle pin on her collar. “Are you ready?” 

“I’m so excited, I can hardly stand it.” She squeezed his hand. “I hope North Pole Kingdom is as amazing as you say it is.” 

His smile widened at the thought of showing her just how wonderful his home town was. “Alright, here we go.” Wink closed his eyes and pictured Peppermint Lane and the front door to his house. He picture his parents asleep in their room, his brother snoring by the fireplace.  

In a flash, the Bar Z ranch faded from view and the paved streets of Peppermint Lane came into view. Not a soul was on the streets.  

Beside him, Serena gasped. “Everything is so tiny, like a fairy land.” 

As if seeing it for the first time, Wink glanced down the lane to the other doors with the festive wreaths, their candy striped light poles, and their steps leading up to the front door. It was exactly as he remembered, except smaller. He’d never thought about what it would be like to come back as a human. The only place in NPK that had seemed larger than normal was the Claus’s home, and the stables. 

“It reminds me of the playhouses you see in magazines.” Serena practically squealed. “Which house is yours?” 

“That one.” He pointed to the gingerbread like house across the street.  

Icicles hung from the pitched roof, peppermint sticks grew like flowers in the boxes under the window. 

“Yours is the prettiest one on the block.” 

“I’ve always thought so too.” He took her hand, led her to the door, and twisted the doorknob ever so quietly. Putting his fingers to his lips, he signaled for her to be quiet. No sense in waking anyone from their long winter’s nap, which could last for a few more days. 

The front room held the tiniest furniture. He’d never be able to sit in those chairs as long as he was human. He wished he’d thought to turn himself back into his elf self before he brought Serena here. He could have changed her as well. He wondered what she would look like as an elf? Probably prettier than Joie. Not that it mattered anymore. 

His brother lay stretched out in the recliner just like he pictured. “Charlie,” Wink whispered. 

“He doesn’t look like you.” 

“Human.” Wink pointed to himself. “Elf.” He pointed to Charlie. “He looks more like our mom.” 

They tiptoed past him. The both had to stoop as they traversed down the hall. Family pictures hung on the walls. Serena pointed to several bearded elves and wrinkled women elves. “Grandparents?” Serena whispered. 

“Yep.” He pointed to great-grandma Everwarmth. “She was as mean a grinch. She used to pull my ears when I misbehaved.” 

“Does she live here, too?” 

Wink shook his head. “No, she died a couple of years ago.” 

Serena scrunched her brows together. “I thought elves lived forever, like Santa Claus.” 

Humor at her idea of immortality tickled his insides and laughed before slapping his hand over his mouth. “Santa’s doesn’t live forever either.” 

“Well, how has he been around for so long?” 

Humans were oblivious to the happenings in NPK. “They have a span a little longer than most people, but when it’s a Santa’s turn to retire, he passes the family business down to the next oldest son.” 

Serena’s eyes grew wide with curiosity. “What happens if Santa doesn’t have a son, what if he only has daughters?” 

“Well, she finds someone among the humans who will agree to be Santa and take the Claus name. So far it’s only happened twice. Both of their husbands were amazing at taking of the family business.” 

A loud snort followed by a rumbling snore came from a room down the hall. Serena jumped and stooped behind Wink. “What was that?” 

“My dad.” 

“Wow, and I thought my daddy was loud.” 

They both covered their mouths to keep their laughter quiet. 

The front door slammed shut. 

“Peppermint,” Wink whispered. He grabbed her hand and they ducked into one of the rooms. “I told you she is wide awake until she’s taken care of all the reindeer.” 

A cupboard door slammed as Peppermint moved around the kitchen. 

Everything went quiet. 

“What’s she doing?” Serena ducked down in case Peppermint came down the hall. 

Wink slipped over to the door, but before he could close it, a hand slammed against the wood forcing it open “Wink?” A girlish voice called, pushing the door wide open. 

Her gaze shot up to where Wink towered over her. “Who are you?” 

“It’s me, Sis.” 

Her eyes grew wide. “What happened to you?” 

Wink put his finger over his lips. “Shhh…don’t wake Mum and Pop.” Pulling her inside his room, he quietly closed the door. 

“You’re a human?” She studied him for a moment before touching his face. “You got hurt.” 

Serena dared to speak. “He saved my baby brother from a fire.” 

As if suddenly seeing that Wink had a girl, and not just any girl, but a human, Peppermint gasped. “What are you doing in my brother’s room?” 

Wink took Serena’s hand. “May I introduce you to my fiancé, Serena.” 

Serena extended her hand. “Wink has told me so much about you.” 

“Fiancé?” She shook her head. “You have a lot of explaining to do.” 

Wink sat on the bed and patted the comforter beside him. “Mrs. Claus sent me to Miracle, Texas on a mission.” 

Peppermint sat beside him. “Just like Joie.” 

Since there wasn’t room on his tiny bed, Serena opted to sit on the floor. 

“Yep.” Wink reached over and ran a soft hand over Serena’s face. “And just like Joie, I fell in love with my client.” 

“She’s a lot prettier than you deserve.” 

“That’s the truth.” He took Serena’s hand in his once again. “But there’s a lot more to love than just a pretty face.” 

Peppermint tucked her legs under her sitting Indian style. “So why are you here? I thought you’d want to stay in Miracle.” 

“I promised her a quick tour around NPK.” 

“There’s not much to see in the house.” Peppermint snorted. “You should take her to the toy factory or the electric company.” 

“If you hadn’t come home so early, I would have done that.” 

“All right, get going.” Peppermint bounded off the bed and left the room. 

Wink sighed with relief. “That went better than I thought.” 




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